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Super Visa Medical Insurance- Discover Things You Need to Know

Are your parents planning to visit Canada to spend some quality time with you? Then, you must have planned to apply for a super visa to make it happen. 

A super visa allows parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens to enter Canada and visit for up to five years at a time. However, there are certain criteria the applicants need to fulfill to make the visa application successful. One of those is super visa insurance. 

Medical insurance with adequate coverage is one of the major prerequisites for applicants for the super visa. This medical insurance becomes an assurance for the government of Canada that visitors to Canada will not depend on the Canadian healthcare system and act as a burden.

Why Is Super Visa Insurance Important?

The healthcare system in Canada is free for Canadian citizens and permanent residents, however, the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents must have medical insurance as they are not covered under Canada’s healthcare system.

What Medical Insurance for Super Visas Generally Covers?

The coverage of super visa insurance can vary based on the plan and the amount. Here we have noted what a super visa insurance plan covers. 

  • A validity of at least one year from the arrival in Canada

  • A minimum cover of $100,000 CAD

  • Must cover healthcare, hospitalization, and repatriation

  • Must be valid for each entry into Canada

  • Visit the Canadian government website for more details

If you want to start the super visa application process, reach out to super visa brokers near you to learn about super visa medical insurance costs. 

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